blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures
Lovelle Drachman
The Curious Travel is a blog dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through exploring the globe. We are Nick & Stephanie and we travel fuelled by a constant curiosity for the world around us.
We share what we learn about the places we visit & the people we meet through personally curated articles, photography & videography. We aim to help you both plan your next adventure, as well as provide the context you need to travel deeper & with more awareness.
A travel blog for the un-apologetically inquisitive; for the itchy-footed lover of learning.
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“Learning is by nature curiosity.. Prying into everything, reluctant to leave anything, material or immaterial unexplained”
Philo of Alexandria
If you travel for more than a photo, for more than simply ticking another destination off your list; hello friend. Here’s to being richer than you were when you left.
For those who question and wonder, for those who are always asking “why is this here” “how was that formed” “who were they and where did they come from”… “what the hell is this?!”…